Felix Hähnlein

Interest statement

Hello there, I'm interested in our relationship to design and sustainability.
I'm a Postdoc at the University of Washington in the CSE department. My advisors are Gilbert Bernstein and Adriana Schulz. And I did my PhD with Adrien Bousseau at Inria, Sophia-Antipolis.
Don't hesitate to contact me : fhahnlei [at] cs.washington.edu


Understanding and Supporting Debugging Workflows in CAD

Felix Hähnlein, Gilbert Bernstein, Adriana Schulz
UIST 2024

What should a debugger for CAD look like?

DeltaLCA: Comparative Life-Cycle Assessment for Electronics Design

Zhihan Zhang, Felix Hähnlein, Yuxuan Mei, Zachary Englhardt, Shwetak Patel, Adriana Schulz, Vikram Iyer
Ubicomp 2024

Instead of computing the absolute environmental impact of a PCB, should we maybe focus on the relative impact?

How Can Large Language Models Help Humans in Design And Manufacturing?

Liane Makatura, Michael Foshey, Bohan Wang, Felix Hähnlein, Pingchuan Ma, Bolei Deng, Megan Tjandrasuwita, Andrew Spielberg, Crystal Owens, Peter Yichen Chen, Allan Zhao, Amy Zhu, Wil Norton, Edward Gu, Joshua Jacob, Yifei Li, Adriana Schulz, Wojciech Matusik
Harvard Data Science Review, 2024

The research question is in the title!
Paper (short)

PhD Thesis: Binary Optimization for the Analysis and Synthesis of Concept Sketches

Felix Hähnlein

Explore the beautiful world of concept sketches !

CAD2Sketch : Generating Concept Sketches from CAD Sequences

Felix Hähnlein, Changjian Li, Niloy J. Mitra, Adrien Bousseau
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022

Can we translate CAD modeling sequences to concept sketches?

Symmetry-driven 3D Reconstruction from Concept Sketches

Felix Hähnlein, Yulia Gryaditskaya, Alla Sheffer, Adrien Bousseau
SIGGRAPH North America 2022

How do we manage global discrete optimization for sketch-based modeling?

Lifting Freehand Concept Sketches into 3D

Yulia Gryaditskaya, Felix Hähnlein, Chenxi Liu, Alla Sheffer, Adrien Bousseau
SIGGRAPH Asia 2020

Can we apply discrete optimization to sketch-based modeling?

Bitmap or Vector? A study on sketch representations for deep stroke segmentation

Felix Hähnlein, Yulia Gryaditskaya, Adrien Bousseau
Journées Françaises d'Informatique Graphique 2019

Are bitmap or vector representations better for sketch segmentation?